Denmark Manor
United Church of Christ
2003 Denmark Manor Road
Export, PA  15632
The people that make up this wonderful place known as
 Denmark Manor United Church of Christ are proud of this congregation.  As we work together and share our unique gifts, we make up God's family, the body of the Christ, the Church.  
  Denmark Manor has been here over the years to minister
 and serve the local community.  God continues 
to work through the people of this faith community, 
allowing God to grow our church through 
the power of His Holy Spirit.  He still has great designs for 
Denmark Manor United Church of Christ!

About Us

It takes a congregation to make a church.  With that in mind, here are a few of the fine people who inspire us, organize us and keep us going strong!

Reverend Donald Watkins.........................................Pastor
Cathy Higgins..............................Administrative Assistant
Rob Driscoll.........................................................Caretaker
Robin Brautigam...............................Wedding Coordinator
Joni Mattei..........................................Financial Secretary
Joni Mattei...................................................Choir Director
Dan Bozym............................................................Organist
The Congregation.................................Disciples of Christ
2024 Consistory

David Conner.......................................Elder
Scott Hartung.......................................Elder
Trude Hayes......................................Deacon
Cyndee Sopko....................................Deacon
Rick Bausher......................................Deacon
Margie Voytek....................................Deacon
Dan Bozym.........................................Trustee
Allen Mattei........................................Trustee
Joni Mattei.......................Financial Secretary